Philosophical Issues in Psychiatry V:

The Problems of Multiple Levels, Explanatory Pluralism, Reduction and Emergence

International Conference May 28-30, 2018

University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Humanities, Njalsgade 134, Aud. 22.0.11, 2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark.

Conference Content
We are exploring how the field of psychiatry incorporates more viable explanatory approaches than almost any other discipline in a modern university.

Professor Kenneth Kendler, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Professor Josef Parnas, University of Copenhagen, DK
Peter Zachar, Auburn University at Montgomery, USA

The conference is funded by the Lundbeck Foundation.

The conference is free and open for all with a professional interest (psychiatry, philosophy, neuroscience, psychology, related disciplines). Maximum audience is 150. No deadline for the application but selection/registration of participants will follow “first come, first serve” principle. Prior registration is necessary. For more information and registration:


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