EPA 2020 i Madrid udskudt til 4.-7. juli 2020

The escalation of COVID-19 Coronavirus in Europe has led to further restrictions regarding travels and the hosting of events and congresses by governments and health authorities. On 3 March 2020, the Spanish Minister of Health took the decision to suspend all congresses, conferences and seminars in Spain involving healthcare professionals.

In an effort to prevent spreading the virus and for the sake of event participants, the European Psychiatric Association has decided to postpone the 28th European Congress of Psychiatry, scheduled to take place in Madrid from 28-31 March 2020. The congress will now take place on 4-7 July 2020 at the same venue, IFEMA, in Madrid, Spain.

For the July congress, we have decided to move forward with a hybrid system with a wide virtual coverage of the congress sessions accessible online, meaning that the EPA will be able to provide each participant the knowledge and exchanges with colleagues that all of us expect from an international congress, even in the unlikely event that restrictions continue during this period. For those not able to attend in July, the hybrid system will allow the possibility for a live online participation, or to watch videos as your availability allows. Of course, we hope that all of you will be able to join us in Madrid, as face to face exchanges are the most engaging.

In order to minimise inconvenience and in anticipation of your questions we have compiled some Frequently Asked Questions here to assist you.

The EPA would like to thank all of our members, participants and partners for their cooperation and understanding during this time. Despite this difficult situation and the significant investment the congress represents for the EPA and its partners, we are working hard to ensure that the postponed edition of the 28th European Congress of Psychiatry remains a success.

As the EPA continues to analyse the different options for supporting participants and faculty through these changes, we will continue informing all those concerned about any developments in the organisation of the event, and appreciate your continued patience and support.

We are very much looking forward to welcoming you to Madrid from 4 to 7 July 2020.

With kind regards and on behalf of the EPA Board,

Philip Gorwood – President
Peter Falkai – President Elect
Silvana Galderisi – Past President
Julian Beezhold – Secretary General
Geert Dom – Treasurer
Simavi Vahip – Council of NPAs Chair