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10th Mediterranean Maudsley Forum – Palermo

The Forum will provide an update on advances in clinical and research psychiatry. This year we have many new and fantastic speakers.  Psychiatrists, psychologists, and mental health staff from across Europe and beyond are welcome,  and as we restrict in person attendance  to  100 , there will be plenty of opportunity to interact with the speakers.  
The Forum will be held at
the magnificent Pontifical Theological Faculty of Sicily which is situated next to the Cathedral, facing the beautiful Piazza Indipendenza and the façade of Palermo Norman’s Royal Palace, in the heart of the historical centre of Palermo. One afternoon, we shall take those interested,  for a walk through the streets of  old Palermo, revealing glorious buildings from Arab, Norman and Byzantine times to the modern integration of many cultures that come together today.

The previous 9 Forums have all been very successful ­ both educational and fun -­ serious science but also Sicilian sunshine and hospitality – see the Gallery on the Website below for what its like.  

 Young and old, students and professors, all are welcome.  Attendees may present a poster should they wish.  For those those unable to attend in person we offer a streaming option. 

Registrations, for both the face to face and the streaming attendance are open now on a first come first serve basis. The link to the website for further information, including speakers, can be obtained from the link below

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